
A life coach guides you through the transition process by asking questions that help you evaluate and decide which steps to take in order to reach your goal or make an important change. Life coach tap into your creativity & resourcefulness through confidential, non-judgmental dialogue, Then a coach plays the important role of motivator, strategist, and accountability partner. The goal OF COACHING is to help you reach your goal in the most efficient, effective, and rewarding way possible.

Coaching is the best method of taking anyone from where you are today to where you want to be.




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What Does a Life Coach Do

•    Guidance

•    Empowerment

•    Improvement

Guidance. A Life Coach provides the tools and support for someone to broaden their perspective and open their mind, hence enabling them to reach their goals. 

Empowerment. Understanding where you are present emotionally and eventually working towards your goal. Empowerment to a large extent comes down to the individual to realize their own self-worth and self-belief that has, for one reason or another, diminished. 

Improvement in the sense that an individual will go from where they are to where they want to be, in effect reaching their goal.

Sometimes you know something has to change but do not know what the new goal is. Therefore, a Coach allows you to discover what changes to make and guides you as you set new goals and cope with difficult emotions.

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How is Coaching Different from Counseling or Therapy

     Future vs. Past

As a life coach and client discuss life goals, it may feel like therapy to the client, however, therapy is more focused on the past and uncovering “why” that may be impacting your life today: the root of the issue. Coaching focuses on the present: what you want in your future and how you will achieve it. While a coach may discuss habits and patterns that are a part of your past, she/he will not stay focused on the “why.” Rather, she will determine “what” and “how” you can change today to be more in line with the future you desire.

Solution Focused vs. Problem Focused

A therapist tends to be more focused on a certain problem you are dealing with and how you originally arrived there by using different tools. This is why many people go to therapy: to solve a problem or work through an issue. A life coach, on the other hand, is going to be more focused on solutions that get you from point A to point B. You should sign up for life coaching if you want to figure out how to get to where you want to be in life. Although your coach will help you deal with problems along the way, the focus of the coaching sessions will be fixated on finding new ways of acting and thinking that will help you reach your goal. In fact, the effectiveness of solution-focused approaches to accomplishing goals has been proven to get you closer to those goals faster than any other approach.

If you come into a life coaching session without having resolved or at least started to deal with a past issue, it is likely that the life coach will request you to look into the issue more fully or refer you to a therapist before proceeding with further life coaching. While a life coach can help you deal with mental blocks, many past issues are the expertise of a therapist.

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Am I “Coachable”

Consider the following questions. If you answer YES to any of them, then consider yourself a good candidate for coaching.

 • Is there something you want to change either at work or in life?

 • Are you having trouble adjusting to a change that has recently
    occurred in your life?

 • Do you feel demotivated to make a change?

 • Do you have a sense of urgency for wanting a
    change to happen now?

 • Are you willing to commit the time and energy toward making a change?

 •Do you have people in your life who can support you during
   this change?

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How Many Coaching Sessions Will I Need

The number of coaching sessions needed will vary greatly based on your specific goals and current situation. It will be up to you to determine the length of the engagement. You may want to initially sign up for a certain number of sessions and then choose to extend later on. As your life coach, Yana is willing to work with your schedule and whatever plan works best with your goals. The average number of coaching sessions ends up being around 2-3 per month, and sessions last 45-60 minutes including follow-up between sessions.

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What are the Benefits of Working with a Transition Coach

The coaching process will help you to pause, gain control, and shift your stress and anxiety toward happiness, contentment, and creativity. If you are transitioning through a change, especially one that brings joy—such as starting of new relationship or a new career—coaching helps to sort and prioritize your options and make value-based choices. A time of transition is an opportunity to reset your mindset, to reclaim your perspective, and to make significant choices that will bring you where you want to be.

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Is There Any Paperwork

Yes, we will establish a coaching agreement at the beginning of our work together that will indicate a coach-client relationship. The initial terms of our agreement, payment terms, the cancellation policy, as well as our commitments to each other will be explained.

For coaching, there will be information and preparation forms that you fill out to articulate your goals and other relevant information.

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What Does a Life Coach Not Do

A coach may offer you suggestions, new ideas, or action steps; they do not give advice or tell you what to do. A Life coach listens to you and asks the right questions to help you reveal the answers to yourself through discussion, suggestions, brainstorming, and reflection. That process will help you find your path, your truth, and what feels right with who you are and what you want.

Further, you cannot expect a life coach to be a consultant or best friend. Although a life coach is someone you consult with about strategies and goals, she/he is a life specialist. She/he is not a mentor, a consultant, or a therapist. A coach may specialize in certain areas that benefit your performance, but she is simply helping you reach your goals. For example, she is not giving you data on how to grow your business or how often you need to exercise in order to reach your weight loss goals.

While a life coach may seem like a friend at times because she/he is encouraging, inspiring, and fully invested in helping you reach your goals, this does not make her/him a friend, and it does not replace the importance of having friends. Your life coach may be demanding and hard on you sometimes because it is a goal-focused relationship, and when you succeed, she/he succeeds.

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Who Hires Life Coaches

The people who hire life coaches are people that want more. They are people that desire growth in their personal or professional lives (possibly both), and they want that growth to come faster or easier. Anyone in any walk of life can hire a life coach for almost anything they want to improve upon in their lives.

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Should I Get a Life Coach

Want to make a big change in your life? Want to reach a goal? Feeling stuck? Going through a life transition? There are an infinite number of reasons why people hire a life coach to get them on the right track toward success. You simply have to ask yourself a few questions to evaluate where you are, where you want to be, and how you feel about it. This will ultimately help you reveal those burning desires that are truly worth going after and finally doing something about it. 

For example, you might decide to hire a life coach for ANY of the following reasons:

-You Feel Stuck or Blocked

-You’re Unsure of Your Next Step

-You Want to Make Some Changes

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What is a Coaching Session Like

A life coaching session will generally include a discovery time near the beginning to figure out where you are, what you are doing, and what you could do to help make a change. During your the first coaching session, which takes at least 45 minutes, you evaluate your life using a holistic approach. As the discussion evolves, you choose the topics for future sessions. Afterwards, you define one or more goals that are vital to you, and together with your coach, create an action plan to reach those goals. Immediately after the first session, you will start taking real steps towards your goals. From there, subsequent sessions will be focused on holding you accountable to the steps you should be taking to get where you need to go and tackling problems that may present themselves along the way.

During the process, a coach is focused on three main things: that you are taking action, that you are staying accountable, and that your are following through. These three things guarantee success and will be an integral part of how your coaching sessions are handled.

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What is the Outcome

The outcome of a life coaching session is a feeling of direction and purpose. As your life coach, Yana is motivated to get you moving as soon as possible so that you immediately begin to feel more confident and productive and so that you can carry that energy through the rest of your transition process. The happiness associated with having a clear vision and witnessing yourself achieve your goals is extremely validating and a very rewarding outcome that results from life coaching sessions.

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Is Coaching Work Confidential

Yes. Everything discussed will be held in a confidentiality agreement between Client and Coach.

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Can I Use a Coach Online or Over the Phone

Yes. Coaching online is available and can be an easy and convenient way for you to fit coaching into your schedule. Although the personal experience may be best for some people, the benefits of online sessions actually tend to outweigh the benefits of meeting in person. A few of the common reasons include:

  • Scheduling virtual training time with an online coach can often be more convenient. You can meet for 30-45 minutes on your lunch break or take an hour on the weekend, no matter where you are, to sit down and consult with your life coach.

  • Expenses such as gas, parking, or hiring a babysitter.

  • Online coaching can also help alleviate the problems of unexpected weather and travel conditions that may keep you from making your in-person appointment.

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What Does Coaching Cost

The cost of coaching will depend on the length and frequency of your sessions 3 months period or 6 months period as well as format of a program or online course and ultimately how significant of a change you want to make in your life.

At your FREE Discovery Call we can identify your desired outcome, format of sessions and full cost as well as options of payment.

What’s Your Life Worth to You? If someone could help you make a very significant change in your life, how much would you pay for that?  How much is it worth to no longer feel unfulfilled, unhappy, or lost?  What does attaining your dreams cost you?

/ Please contact me should you have any OTHER questions that are not answered here /

/ Please contact me should you have any OTHER questions that are not answered here /