Negative self-talk. How to recognize and overcome it.

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Key ideas

  1. What is negative self-talk?

  2. What purpose it does for survivership?

  3. How to recognize and overcome it?

When you hear the voice inside - Listen to yourself.

Often we want a quick answer on how to overcome negative self-talk?

Well, here you go - quick answer -

  • Face it.

  • Feel it.

  • And talk back to it.

I hope it helped. Thanks for reading this post.

But honestly. When we have those self-talk stories pages and pages long in our head and want to resolve with a simple quick solution, our brain doesn’t work this way, we have to apply some actions to trace that first page of the story,where it started and how it was triggered.

Figure out where it’s coming from and what needs or part of yourself is trying to protect you.

Yes, you read it right. Protect you. /Explain at the moment/.

Negative self-talk- is the expression of thoughts or feelings which are counter-roductive and have the effect of demotivating oneslef.

Try to listen to the negative self-talk, stop avoiding the healing, step into it fully.

You don’t avoid and push down the negative self-talk, you tap on it and it clears it.

All voices have personalities. Some obvious. Some lurking in a shadow of which you may entirely deny because they are not acceptable in this world. They all have a lesson for you.

They have a specific purpose to be negative.

Ok back to protection/survival portion.


It all in our head. 

It based on different regions of our brains. That are vired and connected!

On the left self-doubt voices coming from survivor brain to protect us that is why we feel: anxious to start something new and unknown, alarmed to begin a realtionship, guilty and at fault. 

On the right side your true-self based on positive brain focus to thrive

when we feel: joy, gratitude, creativity and piece

Self-sabotaging behaviors hurt our daily decisions and delaying our time more and more. Negative self-talk vired and an eco from :

·      Self limiting beliefs   - I am too old, too young, luck of education, not enough money, etc.

·      Taking care of you last  - “people pleaser” syndrom, inability to say “no” can lead to health consequences.

·     Procrastination – there is always tomorrow or next year,but we both know tomorrow is a moving targer.

·     Comparison – someone else’s life always better, marriage stronger, business more successful.


Deep down, loss of hope over achievements isn’t truly a fear of ambition and your own worth—it’s a fear of trying your best and not succeeding, of being personally let down and publicly humiliated as we worry that our best just might not be good enough.

Consider these

TIPS to start on recognize negative self-talk. 

  • Write down the negative thought in one simple sentence: 

    Turn that sentence into a question?

    By turning it in a negative thought question always demands an answer. While thinking of an answer it might be possible to come up with a viewpoint that can deflect the negative thought. 

    //Example// - "I'm not cut out for this job" turns into "I'm not cut out for this job?" The "why" that is generated through the question helps in challenging the certainty that exists in the original negative thought you telling yourself. 

  •  Make a dialog chart.

    What is it? It a List of:

  • One with all your wins, what you grateful for.

  • Another one with challenges.

And then start a dialogue between those two.

  • Count your negative self-talk.

Get a post-it, clicker, time, whatever works for you. As you become conscious of the intensity, you realize you need change.

(Trust me you get tired of keep track and then you start counting the positive thoughts).

  • And no one canceled simple life activities where you have daily access to:

    the goal is to bring your focus outside of the spotlight and negativity. 

  • Move your body to dance to your favorite tune.

  • Go to the gym.

  • Clean up the house. 

  • Go out in nature, snow trails, sandy beach. Nature is empowering.

  • Get regular sleep. Your brain is fried at the end of the day and your body must dispose of toxins including what builds up in your brain. 

  • Read a motivational book.

  • See friends, refresh positive memories of good times. 

Once you let yourself hear you with Self-compassion, Self-love, and Self-acceptance you can easily connectinto ONE whole. Real. Honest. Compassionate Yourself. That’s will relieve you from suffering and pitying.

Once negative overlays will be separated from past experiences, you can uncover that true answer 

and choose that magnificent person you really are.