How I decided to adapt in time of crisis.

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  • Nature of adaptation.

  • Ways on take different approach during crisis.

  • Exclusive invite to join community where practical tools and success stories shared with like-minded people.

It is very typical to panic and fear in the moments of crisis and transitions. Typical, because of repetitive historic events which we rehearse genetically. Nobody stays tolerant or immune to it, we all in this together, sharing this crisis mindset. So I am not an exception, but I decided to share my story on how I choose to cope with current life transition and I am looking forward to taking it to another level and create a tribe of likeminded people to turn this around.

So how do you stay relaxed and feel easy during a crisis? Non-turbulent when business not moving forward and there are crickets from clients, despite lack of clarity, how do you turn on positive mode when lack of inspiration and creativity struggle is real? What do you do?

You take a different approach.

The solution against any crisis or life transition begins initially with fighting its causes, such as dealing efficiently with the sources of negativity, toxic environment, lack of knowledge, procrastination tackled early enough and efficiently. It is a proactive process that involves actions, it is a process designed to prevent less of the damage. As a full-time entrepreneur being laid off from another part-time job, I simply decide to take a different approach, because I choose to interpret for myself it differently. I turn my quarantine "free" time into education, emerged myself into a full focus practicing skills on happiness and virtual social connection. The example of human adaptability has never been greater than it is now. The ability for us, businesses, teams, and organizations to adapt to changes in their environments, stay relevant and by doing that you need to think and act practically.

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  • In full isolation, I stick to my practice, my advice here - stick to things you know best and enjoy the most. Luckily for me and my business that operates mainly online, and the ability to connect with my client worldwide, my adjustment period was minimum. What do you do? What is your passion, what excites you from 1-10 something that feels like 20? To adapt: do what you love to do. Add value, create content inspires me. Don't know what it is for you? Figure out what you already love to do, think back what makes you thrive, what makes you lose track of time. 

  •  It's time to do something different. To adapt is to grow, to change, and to change you must adjust what you once believed to be “right,” and then adopt what you now believe to be the new “right.” If you don’t, you procrastinate and stay paralyzed by current reality. This is something that not only people but businesses struggle with that as well. Point here adapting “new right” or your new reality would keep you on feet in during taught lifetimes and crises in business. 

I used to wake up at 10 am not having a plan for the day, distracted by social media and entertainment looking for joy to be entertained, and losing track of time distracted by youtube videos and TikTok challenges. After a couple of weeks, my creativity level and productivity dwell, then I will tell myself:- "Well there is tomorrow, have all day to make it happen". You know well what's going to happen the next day, I wouldn't waist another paragraph to describe it. 

  •  Have a daily routine, stick to practice: exercising 30 min each day, commit to 31 days learning a new language, challenge and try 7 days 20 min meditation, practice the act of kindness. What is it for you to stick to 1 thing and track it daily?

There is support offered, just create a request, what is it something you need right now to take on during this time, what are your best skills, who will partner with you and what is the tribe of likeminded people hangout?

The choice to change isn’t an easy one, choosing to adapt to something new requires a strong understanding of personal values; knowing what’s important to you—and what isn’t.

Please know you are capable of everything, this is your nature and the world needs you and when you in transition or crises take the Highway and the exit always a success!

And here is your invite to exclusive group //BEST ROUT TO PERSONAL SUCCESS society//

This like-minded Facebook society group here to encourage and support while navigating life and business TRANSITIONS. The community of successful people, leaders in their craft, experts and hardworking hustlers. This is a place to have those conversations with people who get it, so you can stop spinning your mind around in the time of transition or a crisis. Because this time is given to us as an opportunity to thrive so let’s not waisted and be our best selves during this crisis. You know the majority of people are waiting and watching and wishing things will turn around. But successful people are doing the exact opposite. They are proactively planning and taking action with ought being affected by unknown because they know they must act to get through the crisis and come out of it thriving. 

 Be with us click to join

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